Aug 16, 2011

Yoü and I - Video Premiere

Lady Gaga's video for her single, Yoü and I, was set for release as her 1,000 tweet on Twitter. The video was released to YouTube at her 999 but was then tweeted with a link to the video as her 1,000th tweet. The cover for the single was Lady Gaga in drag as her alter ego, Jo Calderone, who first appeared in Vogue Hommes Japan. He also makes an appearance in the video. Check out the video after the jump.
Here it is the long awaited video for her single, Yoü and I. Enjoy!

I loved the video, it had a lot going on and kept you wondering what is going on and how it all ties together. When she was walking down that empty road, I didn't get those interjections of clips until the entire video progressed and then they made sense. She walked a long way in the hot weather to Nebraska in order to find a man she had loved before, I love that black number she had on with the hat and metallic arm and neck pieces. When she appears with her alter ego, Jo, in the piano part in the middle of a corn field, it was definitely different to see her so toned down and not having anything that dramatic on, it was strange for her but it was nice to see in this video. The shock therapy scenes were definitely something I would expect from her, they were edgy and that outfit was killer, along with this scene the blue hair dance scene in the barn was also something I would have expected from her in a typical Gaga outfit. I think the part that was the most interesting and popped out was when she was a mermaid, I didn't get how that came to be but maybe it was the shock therapy since she was a human prior and now turned into a mermaid after. It was definitely after she changed to a black head with another edgy fashion number. Her last outfit change was into a wedding look. I felt overall the video had a cohesion and a love story attached which meshes with the song. 

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the videos. What did you think of the video? Was it one of your favorite videos by Lady Gaga?


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